Overview of all algorithms for the final layer,
to orient corners and edges

For an explanation of the table below, click here.

code: N1
occurs: 4/216

LF'LF2R'FRF2L2 (9,12)
y2x' L'ULE'L'U'LE (8,10)
F2R2B'R'BR2F'RF' (9,12)

code: N2
occurs: 4/216

FURU'R'F' (6,6)

code: N3
occurs: 4/216

F'U'L'ULF (6,6)

code: N4
occurs: 4/216

LUF'U'L'ULFL' (9,9)
LR'U'F'UFRUL' (9,9)

code: N5
occurs: 4/216

R'U'FURU'R'F'R (9,9)
R'LUFU'F'L'U'R (9,9)

code: N6
occurs: 4/216

LR2D'F'DFRF'RL' (10,11)
LU'L'U2LUFU'F'U'L' (10,11)

code: N7
occurs: 4/216

R'L2DFD'F'L'FL'R (10,11)
R'URU2R'U'F'UFUR (10,11)

code: N8
occurs: 4/216

FURU'BR'F'RB'R' (10,10)
FRF'LFR2FRF2L' (10,12)
FR'FR2U'R'U'RUR'F2 (11,13)

code: N9
occurs: 4/216

F'U'L'UB'LFL'BL (10,10)
F'L'FR'F'L2F'L'F2R (10,12)
F'LF'L2ULUL'U'LF2 (11,13)

code: N10
occurs: 4/216

FRUR2U'F'UFRF' (10,11)
B'U2B2L2F'LB'L2FL' (10,14)

code: N11
occurs: 4/216

F'L'U'L2UFU'F'L'F (10,11)
BU2B2R2FR'BR2F'R (10,14)

code: N12
occurs: 4/216

L'U2L2F'L'FL'U2L (9,12)

code: N13
occurs: 4/216

FR'F'RURU'R' (8,8)

code: N14
occurs: 4/216

R'F2LFL'FR (7,8)

code: N15
occurs: 4/216

LFR'FRF2L' (7,8)

code: N16
occurs: 4/216

FUF'R'FRU'R'F'R (10,10)

code: N17
occurs: 4/216

LFR'FR'DRD'RF2L' (11,12)
R'L2FL'FLF2L'FRL' (11,13)

code: N18
occurs: 4/216

R'F'LF'L'F2R (7,8)

code: N19
occurs: 4/216

F'U'FLF'L'ULFL' (10,10)
R'F'UL'U'LU'FUR (10,10)

code: N20
occurs: 4/216

R'F'LF'LD'L'DL'F2R (11,12)
LR2F'RF'R'F2RF'L'R (11,13)

code: N21
occurs: 4/216

LF2R'F'RF'L' (7,8)

code: N22
occurs: 4/216

FR'F'RU2F2LFL'F (10,12)
RBL'BLB'L'BLB2R' (11,12)

code: N23
occurs: 4/216

F'LFL'U2F2R'F'RF' (10,12)
L'B'RB'R'BRB'R'B2L (11,12)

code: N24
occurs: 4/216

F'LF2L'U2L'U2LF' (9,12)

code: N25
occurs: 4/216

FL'U2LU2LF2L'F (9,12)

code: N26
occurs: 4/216

FRUR'U'RUR'U'F' (10,10)

code: N27
occurs: 4/216

F'L'U'LUL'U'LUF (10,10)

code: T1
occurs: 2/216

RL'UR'U'R'LFRF' (10,10)
yx' E'L'ULEL'U'L (8,10)
y SRB'R'S'RBR' (8,10)

code: T2
occurs: 4/216

R'U'RUFRB'R'BF' (10,10)

code: T3
occurs: 4/216

FUFR'F'RU'F' (8,8)
FRU'BUB'R'F' (8,8)

code: T4
occurs: 4/216

RUR'U'R'FRF' (8,8)

code: T5
occurs: 4/216

FRUR'U'F' (6,6)

code: T6
occurs: 4/216

LF'L'U'LUFU'L' (9,9)
LU'R'F'U'FURL' (9,9)

code: T7
occurs: 4/216

R'FRUR'U'F'UR (9,9)

code: T8
occurs: 4/216

R'FRUR'F'RFU'F' (10,10)

code: T9
occurs: 4/216

RBR'LUL'U'RB'R' (10,10)
B'R'BLB'U'RUBL' (10,10)

code: T10
occurs: 4/216

LF'L'U'LFL'F'UF (10,10)

code: T11
occurs: 4/216

L'B'LR'U'RUL'BL (10,10)
BLB'R'BUL'U'B'R (10,10)

code: T12
occurs: 4/216

FURU'R'URU'R'F' (10,10)

code: T13
occurs: 4/216

R'U'RU'R'UF'UFR (10,10)
RUBU'BL'B'LB'R' (10,10)

code: T14
occurs: 2/216

LFRF'L2FUR'U'F'L (11,12)
R'F'L'FR2F'U'LUFR' (11,12)
R'FRF'U2RU'R'UF'U2F (12,14)

code: T15
occurs: 2/216

LFU'RUR2F'L'FRF' (11,12)
R'U2R2UR'URU2B'R'B (11,14)

code: F1
occurs: 1/216

L'R'F'U2L2U2L2U2L2FLR (12,18)
RL'U'B'UBUBUB'U'LR' (13,13)
F2MF2UM2U'B2MB2 (9,18)

code: F2
occurs: 4/216

y R'LFL'U2LFR'FR2L' (11,13)
FURU'R'F'RBUB'U'R' (12,12)
y2 RB2L2D2RFR'D2L2B2R' (11,17)

code: F3
occurs: 4/216

y R'LF'RU2R'F'LF'RL2 (11,13)
FURU'R'F'LFUF'U'L' (12,12)
L'B2R2D2L'F'LD2R2B2L (11,17)

code: F4
occurs: 4/216

LF'L'FU2FU'RU'R'F' (11,12)

code: F5
occurs: 4/216

FU2F'L'B'UR'U2RBL (11,13)
BL2UF'U'L'UFL'U'B' (11,12)
y'R'LD'F'DL'RUFR'F'R (12,12)
y'LF2UR'U'F'URF'U'L' (11,12)

code: F6
occurs: 4/216

FU2F'L'B'R'U'RU'BL (11,12)
LFUF'UL'U2L'BLB' (11,12)

code: F7
occurs: 4/216

LF'L'FUF2R'F'RU'F' (11,12)
LF'L'FU2LF'L'F2U2F' (11,14)

code: F8
occurs: 2/216

FUR'FRF2U'F'LFL' (11,12)
FU2F2LFL'U2F'LFL' (11,14)

code: H1
occurs: 4/216

F2D'FU2F'DFU2F (9,12)
F'U2FLU'F'U'FUL' (10,11)

code: H2
occurs: 4/216

R'F'LFRF'L'F (8,8)

code: H3
occurs: 4/216

R'F'L'FRF'LF (8,8)

code: H4
occurs: 4/216

RUR'URU2R' (7,8)
RU'L'UR'U'L (7,7)

code: H5
occurs: 4/216

RU2R'U'RU'R' (7,8)
F'UBU'FUB' (7,7)

code: H6
occurs: 4/216

RU2R2U'R2U'R2U2R (9,14)
R'ULU'RU'L'U'LU'L' (11,11)

code: H7
occurs: 2/216

RUR'URU'R'URU2R' (11,12)
LUL'ULUR'UL'U'R (11,11)


Using the algorithms in the table above, you can orient all corners and edges of the final layer in one algorithm.
All possible situations are provided. You may need to turn the final layer to get to the starting position in the table.
The images show the face of the final layer, which is placed on top. The bottom of the images is the front face, the right is the right face, et cetera.
A '+' in a corner means that the corner needs to be twisted clockwise.
A '-' in a corner means that the corner needs to be twisted counterclockwise.
If an edge is white, it is oriented correctly. If an edge is black, it needs to be twisted.
On the outside of the images you see black lines. These lines indicate the positions of the colors of the face of the final layer.

Good luck!